The Well-Being of Teachers etc.


Tze, V. M. C., & Brekelmans, S. (2024). Well-being of school counsellors and school psychologists. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 120-135). University of Toronto Press. 

Wang, F., Pollock, K., & Hauseman, C. (2022). Time demands and emotionally draining situations amid work intensification of school principals. Educational Administration Quarterly. Advance online publication:

Wang, F., Hauseman, C., & Pollock, K. (2022). “I am here for the students”:Principals’ perception of accountability amid work intensification. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 34(1), 33-56.

Hauseman, C. (2022). Workplace conditions that contribute to principals’ emotional labor. In S. Chitpin and R. White (Eds.), Leading under pressure: Educational leadership in neoliberal times (pp. 3-19). Emerald.

Hauseman, C. (2021). Strategies secondary school principals use to manage their emotions. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 630-649.

Wang, F., Pollock, K., & Hauseman, C. (2021). Complexity and volume: Work intensification of vice-principals in Ontario. International Journal of Leadership in Education. Advance online publication:

Hauseman, C., Darazsi, S., & Kent, S. (2020). Collaboration, communication and wellness: Response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Manitoba schools. International Studies in Educational Administration, 48(2), 70-77.

Hauseman, C. (2020). Managing emotions and coping in a context of work intensification. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 192, 42-51.

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