Conceptualizing Well-Being in Schools/A Philosophy of Well-Being in Schools


Heringer, R., & Falkenberg, T. (2024). Responding to the other: The need for an ethic of well-being. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 59-75). University of Toronto Press.

Magnuson, E., & Krepski, H. (2024). Three theories of well-being and their implications for school education. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 23-40). University of Toronto Press.

Falkenberg, T., Ukasoanya, G., & Krepski, H. (2021). Students’ understanding of student well-being: A case study. McGill Journal of Education, 56(2/3), 201-224. 

Falkenberg, T. (2020). An ethic of sustainable well-being and well-becoming: A systems approach to virtue ethics. In H. Bai, D. Chang, & C. Scott. (Eds.). A book of ecological virtues: Living well in the Anthropocene (pp. 157-177). Regina, SK: University of Regina Press.

Falkenberg, T., & Krepski, H. (2020). On conceptualizing child well-being: Drawing on disciplinary understandings of childhood. Canadian Journal of Education, 43(4), 891-917.   

Falkenberg, T. (2016). Assessing well-being and well-becoming in Canadian schools: Contributions of children’s rights perspectives. Revue d’éducation/Education Review, 5(1), 29-34.

Falkenberg, T. (2015). Introduction: Philosophical Perspectives on Education for Well-Being. Paideusis: The Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society [renamed to: Philosophical Inquiry in Education], 22(2), 1-7. [Introduction to the special themed issue: Perspectives on Education for Well-Being]

Falkenberg, T. (2014). Making sense of Western approaches to well-being for an educational context. In F. Deer, T. Falkenberg, B. McMillan, & L. Sims (Eds.), Sustainable well-being: Concepts, issues, and educational practices (pp. 77-94). Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.