
Upcoming Event

Book Launch:
Panel Discussion and Workshop

Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools
Edited by Thomas Falkenberg

January 16, 2025
Convocation Hall, University of Winnipeg
For more information and to register for the event, click here.

Past Events

2023-24 Lecture Series

Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools

A series of seven lectures during the 2023-24 academic year.
Education Building, University of Manitoba

For details on the seven lectures (PDF), click here.


How Do Children and Youth Experience Flourishing in Schools? Centering Student Voices

Friday, 6th December 2019
Education Building, University of Manitoba

For the event schedule (PDF), click here.


Envisioning Flourishing Schools: Voices from Students, Educators, and Researchers on Well-being and Well-becoming in Schools

Friday, 23rd November2018
Education Building, University of Manitoba

 This symposium offered participants multiple opportunities to consider how well-being and well-becoming can be the core of planning and practice in schools in Manitoba. Sessions throughout the day included research talks, facilitated discussions, school divisional case studies from across Manitoba, and an arts-based session designed specifically for youth. The event schedule can be found below.

This event continues the engagement from our symposium in May 2017 on “Mental Health and Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools”.

For information on the symposium, including an event schedule, click here.